10 Technology for Future Smart Home

It’s morning and the alarm goes off earlier than usual. This is not a malfunction. The smart watch scanned and adjusted my schedule because I have an important presentation first thing in the morning. The shower will automatically turn on and heat to your preferred temperature (101°F). Electric vehicles are ready to drive and charged by roof solar panels or wind turbines. When you get home, you’ll find an unexpected package delivered by drone. When you open it, cold medicine will come out. It turns out that health sensors built into the bathroom detected signs of impending illness and automatically ordered. This is a upscale version of Smart His Home that still exists after at least 10 years. According toSwedish research firm Berg Insight, by 2022, 63 million American homes will be considered “smart,” equipped with everything from internet-connected light bulbs to cameras that can monitor pets from offices. (the UK had nearly 120 million households in total). 2019). But 10 years from now, experts say, we will move from being able to turn lights on and off with our voice to being fully immersed in the Internet of Things (IoT). Thanks to advances in artificial intelligence, the smartest homes will be able to actually learn about their owners and residents and eventually anticipate their needs. Assisting machines will be brought in. A new sensor monitors our well-being. At the heart of all this is the data the smart home collects, analyzes, and acts on, helping transform the home of the future from just a collection of gadgets and accessories into a truly “smart” home. 

A lot gadgets will be replaced for example, 

Smart fridges will which help you buy things that your require. With AI your fridges will be able to tell what fruit or vegetable has expired or finished and will automatically order it without you going to the grocery shop and buying it. 

Wireless charging which has already shaped the world. Most smartphones can be charged with plugging in a wire in it. Furture of this is that when any appliances is in the room it will automatically charging without and charging mat or slab to keep your electronic on. 

Smart beds and mentioned in the other article by the author, beds will be become more comfortable with adjusting to the environment and your need. Beds with air flow cooling mechanism will automatically start if the room temperature goes above a certain point. It may also be able to become more comfee or stiff in you have an injury with an app or push of a button 

Robots which have already come into play in many industries will also be accessible in your home if you can afford one. They can help you in daily tasks as well have cooking, washing and so forth. They will be altered to your need and requirements. 

Mega Televisions with voice features also have already arrived in the market. Thinnest possible tv’s and other technologies have truly revamped the market. Modular designs which can be changed according to the room size and requirements. Samsung is one of the major brands which is working on these futuristic televisions. 

Control devices via your smartphones. Washing machine to ease the clothes washing time. Oven to not let your food burn. Installed with timers and reminders to make your work easier. Lights to make you relaxed and a choice from a ambient to disco lights all in your home. 

Mood lighting, enabled with technology and AI. It will understand your mood and change the lighting according to the time of the day and your mood.