Worried About Your Yellow Teeth? Here is the Best Way to Keep a White Tooth
Apart from going to the dentist to whiten your teeth, do you know of any other ways to help your teeth become whiter and healthier?
Even though you can resist the temptation of black coffee, red wine, and sweets, this is just one step in avoiding yellowing your teeth.

While research has yet to show how the best way to eat is to get the white results. You can choose some foods that could whiten your
teeth and keep your mouth healthy should also become a habit in addition to brushing, flossing, and gargling twice a day!

According to the dental hygiene education website recognised by the Japan Internet Medical Association (JIMA), beverages are more likely to increase the risk of yellowing teeth! Especially those who are used to drinking a cup of black tea after meals should be careful! In fact, black tea is more likely to stain teeth than coffee. If you are worried about your teeth turning yellow, you can drink the tea with a less strong tea such as chamomile tea. In addition, carbonated or sports drinks are prone to premature loss of tooth enamel due to their high acidity and resulting in the yellowing of teeth. Also, while alcohol is decomposed by our body, this action needs a lot of water. As a result, the water in the mouth is always reduced after drinking wine. Once the moisture on the surface of the teeth is lost, the teeth are prone to staining.

In our daily life, coffee, tea for breakfast, alcohol that appears on the dinner table, or sports drinks drank after exercise may cause yellowing of teeth. Here we provide some simple actions that you can take to avoid staining your teeth.

Drink water when you drink
When drinking coffee or other beverages, it is recommended to drink a few sips of water alternately to dilute the acidic environment in the mouth and avoid the retention of teeth-staining substances in the mouth.

Chewing gum

Gum can promote the secretion of saliva, let saliva flush bacteria in the mouth, reduce the production of dental plaque and prevent tooth discolouration.

Smoke less

There are many examples of tooth discolouration caused by smoking. And there are also products on the market that are specially designed to remove soot. In addition, smokers are also more likely to suffer from periodontal disease than the general population. For health and dental aesthetics, reducing the frequency of smoking is the first step to avoiding yellowing teeth

Aside from those actions, you also can choose to eat some food that is good for your teeth.

Although this vegetable isn’t usually popular with kids under the age of 10. According to research from the Brazilian Academy of Dentistry, cauliflower is truly quite good for teeth. The study published in the European Journal of Dentistry found that the iron in cauliflower forms an acid-resistant coating on teeth. This surface layer reduces the direct contact of acidic foods and beverages, such as cola, with tooth enamel. Moreover, chewing raw cauliflower also has the effect of polishing the surface of the teeth.

A study published in the journal “General Dentistry” shows that eating cheddar cheese increases the production of saliva and forms a protective film on the enamel of teeth. Researchers from the General Dentistry Society believe that when the PH in the mouth changes, it can protect the teeth. The acidic oral environment causes tooth erosion and tooth decay, while the alkaline one represents healthier
teeth. Experimenters involved in the study showed that after chewing cheddar cheese, the PH level in the mouth increased rapidly. However, not all dairy products had the same effect. While the subjects ate milk and unsweetened yoghurt, the PH in the mouth did not

Sticky and sweet raisins seem bad for the teeth, but that is wrong. Raisins are actually proven to improve oral health under research from the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Dentistry. The study presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology found that oleanolic acid in seedless raisins could prevent the growth of two oral bacteria: Streptococcus mutans and Porphyromonas gingivalis(PG). S Streptococcus mutans can cause tooth decay, while Porphyromonas gingivalis can cause periodontal disease. In addition to preventing tooth decay, oleanolic acid also protects teeth from plaque buildup.

Everyone knows that eating too many pineapples can make your mouth feel unwell. But you may not know that the same enzyme that turns your tongue into sandpaper-feel can also whiten your teeth. A study published in the international journal “Oral Hygiene” showed that bromelain protease extracted from pineapple stems and leaves can destroy the dirt on the surface of the teeth and grind the enamel of the teeth, but it does not cause damage to the teeth. In fact, whitening toothpaste that contains natural enzymes such as bromelain and papain is more effective than toothpaste formulated with perlite and calcium carbonate.

In addition to keeping the pain away, apples require a lot of chewing, which is similar to crunchy carrots and keeps the mouth clean. The natural scrubbing action removes particles from the surface of the teeth for even whiter teeth. Similarly, strawberries have the same effect because they are full of malic acid.

Although there are many practices and foods that can keep your teeth white, we still want to remind you that the most important thing is to clean your teeth after eating! In addition to brushing and flossing, remember to use mouthwash together to effectively reduce plaque that cannot be reached by brushing alone, and prevent periodontal and gum problems. Now, let’s go to check the good tool FutureCo picked for you to protect your teeth.